About Us
Glens Falls High School is committed to helping our students meet the complex challenges of a global society. We currently offer 22 honors classes, which include 8 Advanced Placement courses that allow students to receive college credit. The Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) and the University (Albany) in the High School (UHS) programs also afford students the opportunity to receive credit at these colleges. Glens Falls High School works in cooperation with WSWHE BOCES to offer students over 35 career and technical education classes. In addition to a strong academic tradition, Glens Falls also offers 22 different clubs and 25 athletic teams.
The school may be reached by exiting at Exit 18 of the Adirondack Northway (I-87). Proceed east on Main Street, approximately one mile. Turn left onto LaRose Street, just past the Hannaford Plaza. Continue north on LaRose St. At stop sign make a right onto Sherman Avenue. At the next stop make a left onto Quade Street.
Glens Falls Senior High School
10 Quade Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801
P: 518-792-6564 • F: 518-792-1442
Quick Contacts:
Kevin Warren, Principal: 518-792-6564
Cindy Davis, Administrative Asst.: 792-6564
Elizabeth Collins, Asst. Principal: 792-6564
Bill Levett, Asst. Principal: 792-6564
Kristy Walkup, Admin. Asst.: 792-6564
Shane Jones, Athletic Director: 792-6564
Jessica McTague, Admin. Asst.: 792-6564
Tracy Webster, RN, Nurse: 792-6564
School Counseling Office: 792-8654
Elizabeth Bell, Psychologist: 792-6564